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table for three please!


Lets be honest, my mom knew we were baking a bun in the oven since I was 5 weeks along, but I've been so, so excited to spread the news and, this weekend, we finally did!!  Surprise world!  We're having a little one and we are all sorts of thrilled about it.  We're upgrading to a little townhouse with two bedrooms, reading up on newborns, and feeling completely and utterly unprepared.  Good thing we've got 6-ish more months to become experts before baby makes his/her appearance around here ;)

As of tomorrow, I'll be 15 weeks along and going strong!  We've been to the doctor three times so far - with an ultrasound each time! - and I gotta tell you, there is nothing more fun than watching that little tiny squirm up on the screen.  Each time I get more and more excited.  It's hard to believe we'll get to hold and cuddle that sweet bundle before the year is out!

I'm due November 14th, just in time to make me thoroughly frazzled with a newborn for the holidays, but who cares.  Baby comes when baby comes, right?  Just don't expect me to be cooking up the Thanksgiving turkey.  But right now, all I can think about is our next doctor appointment in June when we should find out the big question: boy or girl???  I've flip flopped between what I think we're going to have, and I'm still on the fence - we'll just have to wait and see!

Expect lots more baby updates to come and, well, some from before as well.  For those interested parties (ahem, my mother), I've been keeping a weekly little baby journal from day one when we found out we were expecting.  We'll see if I can keep up the weekly bump pictures (maybe...), but for the updates you can find them all here - and the story of the day we found out right here.


1 comment:

Bekah said...

SO exciting!! Congratulations you two!!!!