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made it/ highlights no. 36

Well, we did it!  We made it sunny Santa Clarita despite Memorial Day traffic, a huge moving truck, and lugging all our boxes up to the 3rd floor of our apartment complex.

Currently our life looks like this:

Sorta put together - mostly not.  But would you look at all that clean carpet??  And the light coming from (wait for it) SIX whole windows?  So far we're givin' this place two thumbs way up for those two features alone.

While I go find a place for the other half of my clothes here are a few fun finds from around the web:

colorful wedding dresses - would you ever wear one?  (I did!)

Olympic sports due for a comeback 

a cozy bride

a table I'm coveting

and an article that completely sums up how I felt about graduating from college


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