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lets get one thing strait:

i don't like the pharmacy
and the pharmacy doesn't like me

we both understand each other.
there's no animosity here.
just a general and accepted dislike for the other.

i never seem to have everything they want me to.

and yesterday was no exception.

first try:
i give them all my cards,
my insurance,
my coupons,
my soul,
my old prescription.

no go.
they need other cards.
other numbers.

okay fine.
phone mom and dad.

come back,
give them what I think they want...

they accept it.

thank heavens.

what's the catch?
come back in an hour.
mkay fine.

come back 2 hours later (just to make sure).
gotta wait 15 more minutes...

have a nice little chat with the pharmacist.
guess what I found out?

this little prescription of mine...
would normally cost me
700 bones
thank heavens for my insurance that only got it down to
so double thank heavens for the coupon I had that dropped the whole ridiculous package down to a lovely and reasonable
oh dear pharmacy.
I'll keep giving you a wide birth for both our sakes if you don't mind.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

what the crap are you taking? aids medication?