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Remember when I used to be so good at blogging?  These last two weeks have been craziness upon craziness and I get home only with the desire to eat, put on comfy pants, and cuddle.  I barely even get on Pinterest these days . . . what???  What is happening here?!  I'm sure I'll adjust eventually and get right back to blog stalking/ pinning, but for now I am relatively un-plugged and it's feeling kind of weird . . . good thing we just ordered me an iPHONE!!!  Now I can officially be a part of the 21st century.  Thank you very much.

Please note that my LG enV has served me well, but has now, more or less, bit the dust.  The time has come to move onward and upward.

My latest adventure to date was going to the fabric district (above) down in LA this past Friday (sometimes I work on Saturday and get that Friday off - pros and cons to that).  I needed to get some fun fabric for a certain young women function coming up at the end of this month - aka: Young Women in Excellence, which I am basically in charge of (yeep!).  I'm no seamstress and I've never been down to the garment/ fabric district before, so my mom and her sewing-savvy friend, Maryorie, were kind enough to meet me there, usher me around, and validate my fabric choices.  They were a world of help - honestly I would have been there hours longer without them.  Pictures of my little finished projects to come! (they are going to be SO cute, by the way)

This Saturday was also my mom's birthday and, happily enough, we were able to run down and spend Sunday afternoon with her, my dad, and Brooke.  It is still such a treat whenever we are able to spend time with them and we are sure milking it.  I honestly can't think of anything sweeter than always living close to family. . . now if we could only get the Nemrows and the Toblers to live in the same state . . .

Picture via Me and Him
Found via Pinterest

1 comment:

Jarelle Case said...

I think I will like this one more than NY