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highlights no. 37

Happy hump day!  This past month has consisted of David and I doing whatever we pleased when we pleased to do it, but now real life has come to settle in (aka: his job), and Wednesday has started to mean something again; Wednesday = only 2 more days til the weekend!  Woohoo! 
Now don't get to excited.  The downside is that the boy is still studying to take the CPA exam (ahem, and will be doing just that for the next 6 months of so)...which means the weekend is just chock full of extra time to read, practice, and prepare himself for those tests. 
(Le sigh)
Good thing Valencia has some decent shopping to speak of to keep me diverted.  You better believe I'm already concocting a huge party for when Dave takes his last exam.  You are all definitely invited.
In the meantime here are some fun finds from around the web:

this is HILARIOUS and the best ventriloquist act I've ever seen for sure

19 things that will drive your OCD self (you know it's true) crazy

a cute and unique way to decorate - blow it up!

if I were to have a fish (slim chance though it may be) I'd want one of these aquariums

a list of great DIY knock-offs

an awesome sign-in idea for the wedding

45 life lessons from a 90 year old - this is quality stuff, my friends

a great 'We've Moved!' card

ink and stencils

how to redo your room on the cheap (two thumbs up for that idea)

drawer organizing tips - Yes, I've already filed all the clothes in our drawers.  Yes, I kind of really like it.

a darling travel the world map kit

and last, but not least:  the world's most darling proposal - if you've already seen it you should probably watch it again anyway (and if the link doesn't work for some reason google: Isaac's Lip-Dub Proposal.  Yes, it's worth it)


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