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highlights no.50

Happy Wednesday!  It's feelin' more like a Friday night over on our end because we're going out tonight!  David's company just recently relocated from Burbank to their new office in Santa Clarita - we're thrilled about his shorter commute, our smaller gas bill, and his longer mornings at home.  Tonight we're going out to eat with the office and having a look at their new space.  I'm excited to get to know more of Dave's coworkers and for some good food!  It should be a fun time.  Meanwhile here are some fun posts from around the web:

some amazing photoshop skills

I'd ride a bike more if I owned one of these babies

the story of Polaroid 

this looks like a good book

these jeans

the best job listing 

are Furbys making a comeback? (and since when did they get so expensive?)

for kicks and giggles 

a fun idea (that I want to adopt)

the reviews for this product are pretty amazing

a great jewelry DIY

tips from the pros

and did anyone else not know that Dick Van Dyke played two characters in Mary Poppins?  Craziness.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw something about Furbys coming back and I am pleading that nothing comes of it, haha. I didn't even like them the first time around!

And funny you are talking about David's job. I was just thinking I should ask you where he works and how he likes it. My husband graduates in December and is starting the job hunt now. And I remembered David was studying for his CPA so I thought he probably studied finance like my husband. And I was curious where he works and what his job is and if he likes it (so far)? We are trying to rack up a list of places to apply in the next couple weeks. :)