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a walk around westminster

aw Westminster, we wondered around you all afternoon and i still need to go back to see more, good thing i'm living here for the next couple months huh
tidbits learned about Big Benjamin: 
Big Ben is actually the name of the BELL at the top of the tower, not the actual tower itself, oh...
plus Big Ben weighs in over 13 tons

too bad it cost 14 pounds to get into Westminster Abbey, but not to worry, we'll be back to go inside
i was the most excited to see this sculpture - Rodin's Burghers of Calais - definitely learned about it in my humanities class last semester, thank you Professor Swenson, it's pretty much the coolest

and yes parliament is in session, noted by the flag flying over Victoria tower
there. now you know a little more about London, congrats


Current location? London, England.

YES. after months of waiting, lots of advice, a long drive to the airport and an even longer flight across homeland and ocean i have finally successfully made it to europe.  
within the 6 short hours i have been here i've already managed to see Big Ben, the London Eye and take a picture of me in a telephone booth. goodness what else could there possibly be to do in this place?
stay tuned.


advice for the road

due to the fact that i am vacating the country within a matter of hours today i thought i might look up some extra travel advice, but to my delight i found these instead.  
Prepare to be enlightened: 
"I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.
           -Mark Twain
{16 girl dorm room here i come}
"When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.  Then take half the clothes and twice the money."
           -Susan Heller
{tried. failed. alas i couldn't part with those last 5 blouses}
"There are only two emotions in a plane:  boredom and terror." 
           -Orson Welles
{bring on the 10+ hour plane ride}


for dessert

well as long as we've got food on the mind i couldn't resist giving The Chocolate a shout out as well.  this new {at least new to me} dessert cafe has the sweetest set up in a referbished little house off State Street in Orem.
i promise your taste buds will thank you even if your waistline doesn't.
 **you have my permission to love their decor as well
learn more about them here

"eat lunch here"

that's what the sign told us to do yesterday as we drove by, but we didn't need that much persuasion and neither should you.  in fact if you live anywhere remotely close to The Communal {conveniently located at 102 North University Avenue in Provo Ut} and you haven't eaten there yet it is my duty to tell you that your life is not complete until you've taken the time to taste their savory, rich concoctions of goodness.  
and even if that is a bit of an exaggeration, i none the less guarantee a delicious meal from this charming restaurant

{and yes i did in fact feel like a very valued and special customer when our waiter remembered me from the last time i dined there...in February}
read more at their blog here


a word: spring

well, because it's {earth day} i thought this was kind of appropriate
and also i love spring in provo.


home away from home

Dear library,
    i don't mean to offend, but i am incredibly excited not to see you again until September.
    this might be our last night together so lets try to make the most of it shall we?


the wet, the cold & the warm

the seasons according to the view from my window:


quote of note

"People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy"
{Bob Hope}

**thank you Mr. Hope


thought of the day

just in case you haven't smiled yet today:




while accidentally driving on the wrong side of the road may sound exhilarating, it is not recommended for those with a low tolerance for ear splitting screams coming from the back seat.


door of the day

this is the door of the quaint little balboa beach house that papa really ought to have bought back in the day.
aw well, it's still charming.

count down

{13 days!!!}
till i flee the country to escape the law 
among other things


a word: feet

yes you read that right, it says {feet}
call me crazy, but feet might possibly be one of my favorite things to photograph

 **and okay fine, that last one isn't my own work, but those ARE my feet and i think it's fabulous


foos how you choose

who knew there were so many ways to play foosball?  i certainly was not kept in the loop

{barbie foosball}

 created by Chloe Ruchon-France

{world's longest foosball table}

As an ad gimmick for Amstel Beer, Airworks built this XXL foosball table to accomodate 2 entire soccer teams (22 players)

{digital foosball}
no more plastic men for these high-tech players

{LEGO foosball}

LEGO pirates vs. LEGO knights, may the best team win

{coffee table foosball}
  save space?  play foosball?  check.


a word: balboa

{balboa island}
 newport beach, CA